Crunchy School Prawn Rice Paper Rolls

Serves 4

Time 45 minutes


250g raw school prawns (from fishmonger)

1 cup wholemeal plain flour sifted

1 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tbsp smoked paprika

2 garlic cloves, finely sliced

1 red chilli, finely sliced

1 lemon, juiced

Salt & pepper


To serve:

Rice paper sheets

Brown vermicelli noodles – prepared as per packet instructions

3 baby cucumbers, cut finely lengthways

1 cup iceberg lettuce, chopped lengthways

Vietnamese dipping sauce

Chopped herbs – coriander, mint

Vegetable oil, for frying


Start heating vegetable oil in a wok or pan.

Ensure the school prawns are patted dry as much as possible prior to preparation – a paper towel is great for this.

In a bowl place the school prawns and sift the flour, cayenne pepper and smoked paprika over the prawns. Add sliced chilli and garlic and toss all ingredients to combine. 

Season with salt and pepper.

Place a generous squeeze of lemon over the prawns – reserve most of it for the end, however.

Toss the ingredients ensuring the prawns are coated – they will not appear heavily coated – that is fine.

Once the oil is hot enough (placing a prawn in will cause it to sizzle) place school prawns in and cook in batches – for 2-3 minutes.

Upon removal ensure the excess oil is drained on a paper towel.

Prior to constructing rolls – add a generous squeeze of lemon on top of the cooked prawns and toss again.

To prepare cold rolls – soften vermicelli noodles in boiling water then cool.

Soften the rice paper roll in hot water and construct the roll with vermicelli at the bottom, cucumber, lettuce, and school prawns. Top with chopped herbs of choice.


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