Serves 12-24

Time 10 minutes + freezing time


2 cups natural Greek-style yoghurt

2 passionfruit

1 punnet raspberries

4 tbsp of milk


24 mini patty pans (and a muffin tray for these to sit in)


Place the patty pans into a muffin tray. 

In a bowl stir together yoghurt, and milk and mix the passionfruit pulp through. 

Place the yoghurt mixture into a pouring jug and fill each patty pan halfway. 

Place a piece of fruit at the midway point of each patty pan. 

Fill the remaining patty pan with yoghurt and place another, different piece of fruit on top. 

Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours to ensure solid. 

To serve – remove the patty pans and place on a tray with scattered berries and/or flowers. 


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