Lamington Ice Cream Sandwiches

Serves make 2 sandwiches

Time 5 minutes plus overnight setting


2 tsp coconut and raspberry gelati

2 tsp salted caramel macadamia gelati

sponges cake slices

½ cup icing sugar

½ cup cocoa powder

Desiccated coconut


Line the sponge cake slices in a small glass cup or jar. 

Use a round cutter to cut off the sponge to create the bottom.

Fill the cup with your choice of gelati. 

Allow it to sit in the fridge, ideally overnight.

Add the icing sugar and cocoa to a bowl with a good glug of water and whisk to combine to create a chocolate sauce. 

If the sauce is too thick, add some more water.

Take the ice cream sandwiches out of the cup. 

Roll it around in the chocolate sauce. 

Finish off by dropping the saucy ice cream sandwich into the desiccated coconut to cover it all. 

Serve and enjoy.


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