Silky Custard Tart

Serves make 1 tart

Time 1 hour 30 minutes


To Make the Pastry

425g plain flour

Pinch of salt

250g butter, roughly chopped

2 egg yolks 

2 tbsp water

4 eggs, large

¼ tsp nutmeg

¾ cup sugar

1 tbsp vanilla

1 cup cream

1 cup full cream milk

Sour cream, to serve

Mint, to garnish


In a food processor, add the flour, salt, butter, 2 egg yolk and blitz, until it’s soft and smooth. If it’s too dry, add some extra tablespoons of water.

Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough until it becomes a sheet, then transfer it onto a tart tin. Press the edges and remove the extra pastry. Allow the dough to rest in the fridge overnight if time permits.

Preheat the oven to 175°C.

Dock the pastry with a fork. Line a baking paper above the pastry and fill with uncooked rice, then blind bake for 20 minutes or until the pastry is cooked through.

In a bowl, add 4 eggs, sugar, vanilla, cream, milk, and nutmeg and combine. 

Pour the mixture onto the pastry and sprinkle some extra nutmeg over the top. 

Bake for 35-40 minutes or until the tart is firm. Allow the tart to cool.

Serve with sour cream and garnish with mint.


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