Spinach and Ricotta Gnocchi

Serves 4

Time 30 minutes


500g fresh ricotta cheese
150g fresh grated parmesan
1 egg beaten
150g plain flour, sifted
Pinch salt
Pinch ground white pepper
100g flour for dusting

For the sauce
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 garlic cloves, microplaned
230g baby spinach leaves
1½ tbsp cream
½ cup grated cheddar
½ cup grated parmesan
Salt & pepper, to taste


Mash the ricotta with a fork; add the egg, flour, parmesan, and a pinch of salt and pepper

Use a fork, then your hands, to mix until the dough forms. The mixture will be very soft, so be very gentle.

On a bench dusted with flour divide the dough into 8 portions, dust with flour. 

Roll into logs, the diameter of a 10 cent piece, cut into 2 cm knobs.

Prepare the sauce by heating olive oil in a pot, add garlic and brown for 1 minute then add the baby spinach leaves.

Stir often to allow the baby spinach leaves to move around the pot – wilt until they have all melted down.

Add cream and cheese and stir through – season with salt and pepper.

To cook the gnocchi, gently place them into salted boiling water; stir very gently with a wooden spoon, when they rise to the surface, after approximately 1 to 2 minutes, they are cooked.

Place cooked gnocchi into the pot and stir through whilst heat still on – you can add ½ tablespoon of the pasta water if the sauce is becoming too thick. 

Serve with fresh parmesan on top.


Kataifi Topped Spinach and Ricotta Pie


Plant Bacon Pasta