Serves 4

Time 25 minutes


8 jalapeno chillies

80g cream cheese with spring onion & chives 

110g ball mozzarella

¼ cup wholemeal flour

2 eggs

1 cup wholemeal breadcrumbs (I maker this myself using bread a few days old – blitz in the blender and then toast in a low oven for ½ hour)

Extra virgin olive oil in a spray pump bottle


In a small bowl mash together the cream cheese and mozzarella with a fork.

Cut the stem off the top of the chillies and slice down one side. Scoop out the seeds and pith. Stuff with the cheese mixture. 

In three bowls place the flour, whisk the eggs in the second bowl and the breadcrumbs in the third bowl. 

Roll the stuffed chillies in the flour, dip in the egg and roll in the breadcrumbs. Then repeat that process to ensure a good coating. 

Spray with the oil and air fry for 10-15 mins at 180°C, depending on the size of your poppers.


Loaded Garlic Bread


Air Fryer Curry Puffs